From Goal Setting to Goal Getting
OMG, I’m going extra crazy on my goal setting this year. Actually, it’s not the goal setting I’m spending all of my time on, it’s the research. Particularly neuroscience. Part of me is tempted to write you a huge synopsis on what I’ve learned recently, but the *smarter* part of me thinks you’ll yawn and delete this email halfway though so I’m not doing that.
What I do want to share with you though is the most impactful book I read in 2023 that’s loosely related to goal setting but is actually closer to goal tracking.
The book was recommended to me last March by the business coach I was working with. It’s called The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success by Dan Sullivan.
Dan’s concept revolves around two different mindsets: the ‘Gap’ and the ‘Gain’. The Gap represents the mental state you’re in when you focus on the distance between how much of your goal you’ve completed and your ultimate destination. Putting your attention on the Gap gives you feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and a perpetual sense of falling short.
In contrast, the Gain mindset encourages you to measure progress against where you started, rather than where you think you should be. This approach shifts the focus to recognizing and celebrating the progress made, no matter how small. This mindset leads to a more positive outlook, increased motivation, and a greater sense of accomplishment.
By focusing on the Gain, you get to enjoy your journey towards your goal, rather than feeling constantly behind.
I’m telling you <firstname>, this has been a game changer for me in both my business goals and my personal ones.
Instead of focusing on where I am today versus where I want to be (the Gap), I look at how far I’ve come from where I started (the Gain).
I think I’ve done a great job of rewiring my brain to notice my progress from where I started instead of constantly beating myself up for what I haven’t done yet.
For you, I don’t think you need to read the book, the concept is easily understandable. Here’s a pic:
All you need to do is keep looking at the gain. If you know where you want to go and keep working towards that, you’ll get there. It becomes a lot more fun now though because of what you’re choosing to focus on.
Alright! I just saved you from a boring list from me. Does this resonate with you? You can do it right now: look at 2023, what was a goal you had 12 months ago and where are you now? Can you retrain yourself to focus on the gain?