5 Weeks of Discipline: Embracing Change and Reaping the Benefits
5 weeks ago, I started a new diet and exercise routine.
I don’t remember ever being on a diet before. Maybe when I was a teenager I tried something for 3 days, or I did a 5-day detox thing when I used to drink… but never a sustained calorie counting thing like this is.
Since turning 50 a year ago and knowing menopause was just around the corner, I’ve been playing pitch-and-catch inside my brain about what the right course of action should be for me to increase muscle mass.
I knew that there are two sides to that equation: eat enough protein (plant-based for me) for muscle protein synthesis (so I can build muscle) and lift weights in a structured way (so I can build muscle).
I decided to hire a vegan strength coach and go on a diet with daily calorie and protein requirements to reach these goals
And yeah… I’ve felt all of the discomfort that comes with changing habits.
It’s hard to overhaul my routine, make time in my schedule for new things, learn new movement patterns in my body, grocery shop and eat in a different way and remember to document the whole process so I can track my progress.
I’ve felt the tug of just wanting to do the familiar and easy instead of the awkward, hard and comfortless.
I’ve also felt the annoyance of more effort to prepare a meal than my brain desires to wrestle with.
Worst of all, my critical eye wants to gaze at my body in the mirror (with a hint of body dysmorphia) and judge the way I look.
However, 5 weeks later, I’m very happy with the results!
I’m noticeably leaner and more muscular and my body fat has dropped 1.2%. It’s good to have an objective coach to point these things out to me.
Muscle weighs more than fat so I’m close to the same on the scale, maybe a 1 or 2 pound loss, depending on the day I’m weighing myself.
And I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do for 5 weeks straight!
I get a pre-planned break now though.
When I was thinking about starting this process, I knew I had a part vacation / part work-trip in July and it starts tomorrow!
But I also wanted to get going with all of the learning I knew would happen when I started a new program and not keep delaying for this reason or that.
So, my coach and I agreed that we’d work together for 5 weeks, then I’d leave for my trip and then we’d pick back up again when I return.
So, that’s where I am right now.
Tomorrow, Berk and I leave for a vacation in British Columbia and I’ll end up on Cortes Island helping Lauren Walker with an Energy Medicine Yoga retreat.
When I return home, I’ll pick back up where I left off (and I’ll do some morning exercises with resistance bands while I’m gone to maintain muscle as best as I can).
I think that’s the moral of the story so far:
I could have kept delaying this hard thing that I knew I needed to do. But I also know deep down that life will ALWAYS get in the way if I let it.
I’m so glad I didn’t, I’ve learned so much already.
AND… I have five weeks of results to show for it.