Ditching the dropout: How to stay committed from start to finish.
Last week, I wrote to you about how the Fire element (from the Chinese Five Elements) which is always up in the Summer, was making me a little unbalanced, ungrounded and mistake-prone.
If you missed that newsletter, you can read it here.
The personal story I shared with you in that writing demonstrated the “negative” side of Fire-out-of-balance energy
But Fire energy season has a fabulous positive side too!
In this season, we often feel enthusiastic and want to accomplish a lot of things during the longer days with all the sunlight.
I lived in Anchorage, Alaska for a couple of years for work reasons. At the time, I became friends with several Anchorage locals and it was unbelievable how much those people would accomplish in the 6-8 weeks of their short Summer.
They’d get up early and work until after midnight every single day.
I’m telling you, those Alaskans accomplished more in 6 weeks than I do in one year.
That, my friends, is Fire energy.
If you feel that fire-in-the-belly impulse to start a new project, a beckoning health routine, exercise program or even a drive to write a book – you can capitalize on Fire energy right now to get’er done!
But… fires can sizzle out too.
So you do need a little stick-to-it-ness to be able to finish what you start.
And that comes down to habits.
If you’re someone who starts a new diet and it’s great for a few days, but then you get busy and going to the store to get the right food seems too tiring so just for tonight you’ll eat the way you used to because it’s easy… and then it’s the weekend and you don’t have time to make anything “special” and the next thing you know it’s been two weeks and you’re back to eating the way you were before the diet… that’s a habit problem.
In India, they have a saying: “hero at the beginning.”
If you get all excited about a new thing then fizzle out after a few days or weeks, you’re a hero at the beginning.
Another way of saying it is that your habits are trumping your enthusiasm.
If you ARE feeling Fiery-start-a-new-thing energy right now BUT you’re also worried about your habits, I have a 30-day online course called Your Energy & Your Habits.
Hundreds of women have taken this course and they love it.
Anyone who purchases the course gets to keep it so every time they want to start a new habit they can take it again.
It virtually guarantees that you won’t just be a hero at the beginning.
You can be a habit change hero over and over again!