Reflecting on January: How Does Your Time Reflect Your Priorities?
Hi I’m checking in today because we’re gettin’ round to the end of January which means that 2024 is almost 1/12th over.
If you’re taking the 3-month program, Radical Health Accelerator with me, we’re almost at the end of week three.
This means it’s a great time for everyone to pick up their head for a moment, take stock, and consider how this month has been for you.
As I wrote about last week, my philosophy in life is BE-DO-BE-DO, meaning I go back and forth between doing things and resting and reflecting.
I think that where we are in January right now is a great time to look back at how you’ve spent your time this month. One thing I know for sure is that the way you spend your time is an expression of your values and priorities.
Often when you say, ‘I don’t have time,’ what you’re really saying is ‘it’s not a priority.’
People express their values in the way they use their most precious resource, which is usually time.
Personally, in an effort to be honest with myself and others, I’ve been working hard to wipe ‘I don’t have time’ out of my vocabulary and instead say ‘it’s not a priority’. Because, if it was a priority, I’d make time for it. Like all of the things that I accomplish on the daily that ARE in alignment with my values and priorities.
Including writing to you right now! It’s a priority, so I make sure to make time for it.
Here’s my invitation for you: Take a look at what you’ve done and not done in January and consider if your use of time reflects what you claim are your values and priorities. I think it’s an insightful exercise.