The opposite of the Law of Attraction
I have three business coaches. Yes, you read that right, three. And a strength coach. I think all good coaches have their own coaches. If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my path, it’s that I’ve wasted too much time trying to figure things out on my own. If I’d just sought out help, I’d have avoided a lot of stubborn struggling that didn’t serve me or anyone else. Sometimes, business coach advice can just as easily be life advice. There’s a gem I learned early on as I was winding down my yoga studio and winding up my online business. It’s a bit of a brain twister. You’ve heard of The Law of Attraction, right? That law has a reverse law that I think is even more powerful. It’s called The Law of Repulsion. Hear me out. As important as it is to attract what we want, it’s equally important to repel what we don’t want. Here’s a fact: I’m not for everyone. Who I am for are the women who are drawn to my message, my values, my voice, and my personality. If I attempted to create a business that attracts everyone, I’d have to dilute myself until I’m so bland and generic that I’m barely recognizable. I don’t want everyone to like me (personally or professionally), I want the right people to like me. The ones who resonate with my vibe, my experience and what I have to say. The people I’m mutually attracted to. If someone doesn’t like yogic philosophy, I’m not her teacher. If the word “vegan” rubs someone the wrong way, I’m not her teacher. If someone thinks pharmaceutical drugs are the only possible solution to disease, I’m not her teacher. And I don’t want her to register for my programs. Because if she does, she sucks all the air out of the room and distracts me from the women for whom I am their teacher. When I write and speak, I don’t shy away from topics that are not of the American mainstream view. And I know that the “right” women will unsubscribe. The ones who I want to unsubscribe. I send them love as they go on their way. I wish them the best finding a voice that helps them and that aligns with what they’re looking for. And then I focus on my students and future students. I want as much space a possible to serve them. It’s the same thing with my friends. I seek to attract those at my vibration, who share my values, trustworthiness, and compassion. I actively work to build a personal sisterhood of mutual love and support. I’ll be fully me, all the time, and repel as many women as I attract. Which holds the spiritual law in balance. |