Unlock Inner Calm: Beating Irritability with a Simple Technique
Do you ever just feel edgy?
I felt like that when I first arrived in Florida a few weeks ago (I’m here for 4 months this winter. Yes, I’m an official snowbird).
I love coming to our home here and I’ve done it for several years now, so I was confused by all the internal irritability I experienced when I was settling in. I felt like I was on low-simmer and couldn’t get comfortable in my own skin.
After thinking about it for quite some time, the only thing I could come up with was that I was going through a period of general friction with life. My box of clothes that I had shipped down was lost, the kitchen was devoid of food and every time I wanted to cook something I had to go to the store to buy a little ingredient that would have already been sitting there in my Colorado kitchen. New internet had to be installed and was acting wonky… etc. etc.
In other words, I wasn’t going with the flow very well.
To get myself out of the funk I was in, I turned to my energy. Specifically, an energy system called Triple Warmer, also known as “the keeper of the habits.”
The Triple Warmer meridian is not a physical entity but rather an energetic pathway that influences various physiological and psychological functions. It is associated with the regulation of body temperature, metabolism, and the distribution of fluids.
In Chinese medicine, it’s taught that Triple Warmer governs the body’s response to stress and plays a vital role in maintaining overall balance in the body.
Since Triple Warmer is intricately connected to the body’s stress response, when it’s in harmony, there’s way less emotional turbulence going on inside of you.
In the realm of habits, Triple Warmer plays a pivotal role in easing the friction associated with change. Habits, whether they be physical routines or patterns of thought, are deeply ingrained in the pathways of our energy system.
After some reflection, what I discovered I needed to do was create a more receptive environment for habit transformation. Because here in Florida, so many basic routines and items of daily life are different and that was making me irritable.
What I did to shift how I was feeling was very simple: I used my breath!
There are loads of breath techniques out there and you probably already have a favorite. For me, when I’m feeling edgy and likely typing away at my computer or putting away clean dishes or driving I take long slow breaths in and out through the nose.
By focusing on my breath and bringing awareness into the present moment, I interrupt the stress response associated with Triple Warmer, regulate my flow of energy, and promote a sense of calm.
After consistently doing this for a few days, I felt happy and like myself again – fully embracing palm trees, warm sun and the glorious ocean.
It’ll work for you too! Just be slow and deliberate, allowing the body and mind to gradually respond to the calming influence of this ancient, simple and most healing technique: your breath.