A New Chapter of Strength: Why Women Over 50 Need to Prioritize Muscle Health
One of the things I love about getting older is that I can look back and see how my favorite subjects have both changed and stayed the same over time.
It’s also validating because even when I was in my early 20s, I had a sense that this would be true and it’s exactly the reason why I don’t have a tattoo.
When I was Miss-Aerobics-Instructor-of-the-Year I was sponsored by Nike. When I wasn’t working at the hospital, I was wearing Nike everything all the time. I freaking loved that company and I seriously considered getting a Nike Swoosh tattoo. (But I did not.)
20 years later, when I was Miss-Ironman-all-the-time, getting the Ironman tattoo (also called the M Dot) was what everyone did.
It looks like this:
I got a ton of pressure to get one of these, but I didn’t do it… I remembered those Nike years.
On to today: my newest favorite subject (besides the 15-years strong plant-based lifestyle subject and 35-years strong running habit) is strength training for women over 50.
Turns out that once you’re post-menopause, strength training is non-negotiable. And I think it’s fun!
Study after study (and they’re coming out faster and women-focused now) demonstrates that strong, healthy muscles are critical for our health and longevity. If we have low muscle mass it threatens our bones, functional abilities, increases our risk for falls, and lowers our quality of life.
Recently on Instagram I saw a post that perfectly encapsulates my point of view, and I’m mad I wasn’t the one who thought to write it. It’s so good! (Read it below and sorry about the language):
YES! What Elizabeth said is becoming a motto for me, “I’m training for my old lady body!”
I hope you can find ways to incorporate this new way of thinking into your exercise routines. We all deserve to feel our best!