How to energize your immune system
Did you know you have a small organ that makes white blood cells, called T-cells, and plays a huge part in training your body to fight infections and cancer cells?
It’s also vital to the body’s chemical messaging or endocrine system (also known as your hormones).
It’s called your thymus gland.
Historically believed to only be active from when you’re born until you become a teenager, energy healers (and now modern science) know otherwise.
In Western medicine, there’s a disturbing trend where if doctors don’t understand something in our body it’s deemed unimportant, useless, and a candidate for removal (often to get it “out of the way” in service of some other surgical procedure).
From the time you’re conceived until you reach puberty, your thymus gland is very active. After your teenage years, it’s less active and for a long time it was considered obsolete once we hit our twenties.
Many adults have had their thymus gland removed (or radiated) because doctors didn’t think it was useful past the teenage years.
Well, once again, the energy healers were right, the thymus gland is important for adults, and science is now catching up.
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, in a study of 2,300 adults who had their thymus gland removed, the removal was associated with higher rates of death and of cancer within the next few years.
Those who underwent a thymectomy were almost twice as likely as controls to die within 5 years. This was even after accounting for sex, age, race, and those with cancer of the thymus or postoperative infections.
Patients who had their thymus removed were also twice as likely to develop cancer within 5 years of surgery.
It turns out, this immune system organ is not expendable in adulthood.
The thymus resides in the chest between the lungs, in front of and above the heart.
In Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine Yoga, every day we thump our thymus to stimulate our immune system and help our body handle stress and shock.
It’s great to thump your thymus when you:
- Feel low on energy
- Need a boost to your immune system
- Feel tired and want to restore your strength and vitality
- Want to relieve stress
- Have just received shocking news