The One Best Thing for Consistent Energy
Yesterday, I was interviewed for a program on depression and loneliness. We talked about how to energetically get unstuck, achieve emotional balance and feel optimism and joy in your life.
Of all the energy practices and techniques we discussed, the one that I emphasized the most was The Homolateral Crossover Re-Patterning Exercise.
I emphasized it because if someone is depressed, their energies are almost certainly running in a homolateral pattern.
Homolateral simply means that the energies are not crossing over well.
Our DNA is a spiraling double helix which digs down into our bloodstream and spins out into our organs and cells and then into our aura that surrounds our body.
Crossover is a natural pattern of almost all of our energies, including the left hemisphere of the brain to the right side of the body and right hemisphere of the brain to the left side of the body.
When you’re running homolateral, your body can’t adequately access or move the energies that it stores. This is a pattern designed to slow you down when you need to rest. It becomes a problem though when an energetic habit pattern forms that interferes with optimal functioning.
When you’re in homolateral, at best, you’re functioning at 50% capacity.
Signs indicating that your energies are running in a homolateral pattern include:
- Your senses are less acute
- You feel less alive
- All of your physical processes slow down
- The kinds of exercises that should benefit you, drain you instead
- It’s hard to think clearly
- You’re chronically exhausted or ill and for unknown reasons can’t get well
- You’re more awkward or clumsy than usual
- You have trouble staying focused
- You tend towards depression
In my personal daily energy routines, there are some exercises I do “when I need them” and some that I do every single day, usually multiple times, no matter what.
I always do The Homolateral Crossover Re-Patterning Exercise.