Awaken Your Inner Vitality: The Magic of Daily Energy Practices
Have you ever learned a new thing that was so mind blowing that you wonder how you possibly lived as many years as you’ve been alive without knowing about it?
For me, that’s how it was with energy medicine.
Firstly, as someone who was formally educated in Western medicine and also had a 20+ year career in it, I always knew there was something else going on. Learning energy medicine brought me the biggest “aha moment” I’ve ever experienced!
~ Side tango ~ I think There’s Something Else Going On is a potential book title for a future book I want to write. ~ End side Tango ~
Alongside my training in Western medicine, I’ve also been a lifelong athlete. When it came to knowing my own body, I thought I knew all there was to know.
Until I figured out that I actually barely knew anything, and the more I learn about energy, the more I realize how much I don’t know!
The term “daily energy routine” is something I learned from energy pioneer Donna Eden. She created simple energy method that people could do every day to establish positive “energy habits” in their bodies which strengthen their immune systems and help them navigate through the stresses we all face today.
Lauren Walker, founder and creator of Energy Medicine Yoga, created her own version of Donna’s routine for the purpose of a great way to start yoga classes.
Over the years, as I’ve learned more energy techniques from various teachers and sources (and taught them to thousands of people in group classes). It’s been remarkable how many people tell me that their response to learning a daily energy exercise was just like mine:
Life changing!
Of all the health-promoting things I do, daily meditation and energy work are the most important habits I have.
I have a lot of goals I want to achieve and things I want to birth out into the world. Doing daily meditation and energy routines keep me focused (with no brain fog) and I have steady energy all day long.
I wake up early every morning excited for everything I get to do that day and I go to bed early and sleep well each night.
My life force energy (chi, or prana, pick your term) runs strong and steady because I do these two daily practices.
Yes, I also eat a nutritious plant-based diet and I exercise, but I did those things before I started meditation and a daily energy routine so I know the difference that they make!